Oregano Oil: A Natural Remedy For Allergy Relief


From the leaves of oregano, oregano oil is a concentrated liquid extract containing many bioactive chemicals including carvacrol, thymol, and rosmarinic acid. These powerful antioxidants and antimicrobial agents are responsible for the oils’ astonishing ability to fight inflammation, kill germs, and calm down. Regarding allergies, oregano oils’ impressive array of natural compounds synergize together to give relief. In particular, it has been found that carvacrol inhibits the release of histamine, a chemical mediator that triggers allergic reactions. By doing so this helps in relieving symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and congestion. Moreover, there are more infections beneath which can be eliminated by this oil because it exhibits an antimicrobial nature. Oregano Oil is a special blend of chemicals that make it an antihistamine thereby offering a practical approach instead of using conventional treatments.

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On the other hand, its composition being rich in strong substances provides the antihistaminergic properties for oregano oil as highlighted in biochemistry research. The phenolic compound of carvacrol is especially responsible for the oregano oil as an antihistamine agent. This extraordinary molecule has been used clinically in suppressive doses because it is found to block the liberation of histamine from mast cells hence mitigating the manifestations of this disease.

Additionally, carvacrol exhibits potent inhibition of the enzyme Histidine Decarboxylase which is involved in the breakdown of histidine to histamine meaning that a balance check is also provided on histamine production. It is the cumulative impact of carvacrol and other phytochemical constituents of the oregano oil such as thymol and rosmarinic acid that puts down a rational biological response that tends to neutralize the allergic reactions incited by histamine.

Benefits of oregano oil for preventing allergies

1. Reduces itching

The burning sensation of itchy skin, puffiness of the eyes, and other common manifestations of an allergic reaction. Oregano oil is nature’s antihistamine in its purest form. This phenomenon has been demonstrated to alleviate inflammation and itchiness, hence giving a sweet relief to those who suffer from allergies. The content of carvacrol in oregano oil works effectively as an anti-inflammatory to soothe the skin and decrease instances of inflammation and redness which is a sign of an allergic reaction. Also, oregano oil is an antiseptic that will come in handy when treating itchy skin and avoiding the development of infections for allergy sufferers. If you include oregano oil in your organic allergy remedy collection, then the incessant scratching is no longer your portion, and welcome to a comfortable, relaxed, happy life.

2. Fights bacterial infections

As for allergies, it is just the immune system that is over-actualizing the possible danger that exists around and hence results in a sequence of symptoms. Research has also confirmed that oregano oil has antibiotic properties, especially for Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Candida albicans. When these particular infections are consequently combatted, one can anticipate that oregano oil’s capabilities of minimizing allergic responses alongside symptoms inclusive of congestion, itching, and inflammation would be substantially evident. It becomes more significant in people with a suppressed immune system, who are vulnerable to other infections that may cause the worsening of allergic manifestations. When combined with oregano oil, you have an opportunity to make your all-natural remedy firm in case of allergy and fight off any infections at the same time.

3. Sinus relief

The annoyance of seasonal allergies – runny nose, sinus IT, and always being ready to use the handkerchief. This astonishing essential oil is amongst the few natural decongestants and therefore is very helpful in dealing with sinus pressure and congestion issues. If taken internally and inhaled, the compounds found in oregano oil like carvacrol and thymol help in the breakdown and removal of the mucus hence enabling breathing and sinus comfort. Therefore, this oil is particularly beneficial if you have been struggling with allergies, a cold, or a sinus infection since it has a natural decongestant ability.

4. Skin allergy

Steamy, heated inflammation, stinging, burning, fluid-filled bubbles; skin allergies, and rashes. Skin allergies can be irritating and painful conditions that can manifest themselves in a small form, such as a poison ivy rash, or a large form in the case of eczema. An oil that contains many phytochemicals including antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory oregano oil has been known to remedy even the most aggravated skin. It is rich in antihistamines that are effective in reducing inflammation as well as itching while it has antiseptic effects useful in healing the skin without developing infection. Just add some drops of this oil with coconut or olive oil that would act as a base and then apply on the skin. You can also incorporate it by using it in your bath water to get even a soak with soothing skin benefits. As the oil begins to work its magic on your skin, all dull pastes and fake tan will be a thing of the past as new skin will look brighter, fresher, and most importantly healthier.

5. Food allergy


The bothersome signs of food allergies include gas, pain in the abdomen, and diarrhea. Sometimes, they are irritating and even interfere with the pleasure of a rather simple meal. This much-needed, powerful vital oil has been seen to help soothe the gut due to bacterial allergic effects as a result of food allergens. This natural remedy also helps in decreasing the inflammation in the gut and restoring the balance of the bacterial population in the stomach so that people with food allergies can have food freedom and eat their favorite meals without the awful aftermath that follows. If you suffer from GFCF syndrome or can simply be sensitive to dairy products, gluten, or any other types of food, then the oregano oil is probably exactly what you have been looking for.

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1) How to use oregano oil for allergies?

Essential oils such as oregano can be dispersed in a diffuser and the coarse fumes give allergy relief. Otherwise, you can dilute oregano oil with base oil, coconut, or olive oil and massage the skin, preferably avoiding the face and eye area.

2) What precautions should be taken? 

The essential oils that are present in oregano have a strong impact on fetal as well as on the babies’ development, therefore pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take oregano oil without the permission of their doctor. Further, it should be utilized with precaution by persons with bleeding ailments or those undertaking blood thinners since oregano oil may exacerbate bleeding.