Marjoram Oil For Cough Relief: A Natural Remedy

As children go to school and people socialize with the flu and common cold season, many people are looking for an effective cure for the rather annoying disturbance known as coughs. Though they may provide temporary relief, over-the-counter medicines have some unwanted side effects. Marjoram oil is an extract from the sweet-scented leaves of the marjoram plant which is endowed with abundant medicinal values. For many centuries the herbal oil with a sweet taste of pine and slight bitterness has been used in traditional medicine especially in the Mediterranean region to ease respiratory problems. It has antioxidants, flavones, flavonols, and volatile oils which include terpenes and phenolic acids therefore marjoram oil is highly anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and an expectorant.
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When these properties are put together they assist in reducing inflammation of the passages of airways, breaking up mucus and hence enabling one to expel the phlegm and breathe freely again coughs are often a result of irritation or inflammation of the throat most commonly due to either a viral or bacterial invasion for instance, the common cold, allergies or other irritants such as smoke and dust pollution or other environmental irritants among others. At times however, coughing may indicate underlying conditions such as asthma or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The resulting bouts of coughing can be quite exhausting leading to fatigue, discomfort even anxiety in some instances.
This is the role played by marjoram oil. Marjoram oil is an essential oil that has the natural ability to cure any inflammatory stages and kill bacteria and viruses that cause sore throat and any other discomfort in the throat region. It also contains some expectorant properties that allow for cracking up and elimination of any thick phlegm, which in turn can make breathing a lot easier and coughing a lot more effective in the process. By tackling the real causes of your coughs, marjoram oil can easily provide swift and effective remedies for enabling you to enjoy normal breathing once again.
Benefits of marjoram oil for preventing cough
1. Relieving congestion
When congestion sets in, it can be very hard for air to get into your body easily. Suppose there was a way to utilize nature’s power to break down those obstinate phlegm and mucus walls forever, marjoram oil which will become your new best friend is a natural expectorant for stubborn phlegm and mucus that seems impossible to clear out. This powerful essential oil loosens up extra mucus allowing easy expulsion thus opening blocked airways. Breathe easier, feeling light on your feet with an incredible sense of relief. The gentle expectorant effects of marjoram oil are mild enough for daily use, making it an excellent addition to any cough medicine cabinet. Just add some drops into your diffuser, take deep inhales then allow this feature of marjoram oil to bring comfort to you through its soothing power.
2. Sore throats
A cough can be terrible with a sore throat, causing every gulp to be painful. However, marjoram oil, which is known as an antiseptic, comes in handy when used as a balm for soothing discomfort. The antimicrobial components of marjoram oil, when applied topically, work against harmful bacteria and viruses that may worsen the soreness of the throat by reducing inflammation and quickening healing. Think about how a marjoram oil-soaked throat compress feels; it is warm and gentle or just an instant marjoram-based spray calming down raw burning throat skin, using marjoram oil which has antiseptics to cleanse and guard your throat you will breathe out with relief because soon pain will begin to fade away leaving only a chance to freely cough, swallow or live without a worry of having an aching throat.
3. Natural antihistamine
Marjoram oil containing antihistamines can serve as game changers for those suffering from seasonal allergies, sinus pressure, or congestion. Histamine is released by the immune system in response to any allergies like itching eyes, stuffy nose, or dryness of the throat. Marjoram's natural anti-histamine properties counteract this by decreasing body histamine response resulting in reduced discomforting symptoms. Marjoram Oil is a great addition to your natural health routine as it not only helps relieve coughs but also addresses the underlying causes of allergies.
4. Reduces inflammation

Despite the aforementioned facts, cough freedom is only helpful to a small extent if inflammation in the throat and the Respiratory tract is not effectively addressed. It affects the lungs in that it causes persistent cough and pain, and can eventually lead to permanent scarring of the lungs. This is where marjoram oil’s anti-inflammatory feature comes in. The active compounds of the oil such as terpenes and phenolic acids have been found to lower inflammation by restraining the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes. That means Marjoram oil could help soothe inflamed tissues, calm coughs, and induce relaxation and comfort. By reducing inflammation, marjoram oil may also help in preventing further irritation or damage thus making it a necessary weapon in dealing with chronic coughs.
5. Improves sleep
The constant hacking and wheezing can make it impossible to drift off, leaving you feeling exhausted and drained. However, marjoram oil has an unconventional yet pleasant side effect that aids with relieving cold symptoms like incessant coughing sounds that stretch late into the night when all else fails. This will help you get quality sleep, and let the body heal and regenerate as you slumber. When falling asleep becomes difficult due to a cough that wants to interrupt your peaceful slumber, the oil’s sedative properties have a great calming effect on both mind and body.
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1) How to use marjoram oil for coughing?
Dilute 1-2 drops of marjoram oil with a carrier oil and use it directly on the feet or temples to reduce coughs and enhance relaxation. Besides, again put a few drops of marjoram oil into warm herbal tea like peppermint oil or ginger oil so that it becomes a soothing drink that calms down throats while relieving coughs.
2) What precautions should be kept in mind?
Moreover, some individuals should mix Marjoram with carrier oil as they have sensitive skin types conducting patch tests before applying it topically since it can cause skin irritations in certain cases. In addition to that, if you are taking certain medications such as diabetes medications, blood thinners, and blood pressure meds then marjoram might not be good for you.