Essential Oils For Kidney Care: A Natural Path To Wellness

Almost everyone has two kidneys that lay on the back of their abdomen. Kidneys are meant to filter the blood and it is their primary function. Not only do they enhance the functioning of your body but they also balance the fluids present in it. Today's editorial has everything about kidney kidney health kidney functioning kidney diseases kidney stones and the ways to protect it. Yes, you heard that right. The kidney eradicates the excess fluid and procures the one that the body requires. Let us understand more about the functions of the kidney and how to maintain kidney health.
An overview of kidney function and health
Many people are aware of the kidney's basic functioning which eliminates the waste in your body. It also tackles the access fluid that the body does not require anymore. However, kidney functioning is not restricted to these functions only. It has a lot more to do with your overall health. Here is everything about the basic functions of the Kidney and its health.
Functions of Kidney
Kidney helps remove the excreta from your body.
- The basic function of the kidney is to eliminate the drugs from the body.
- It further balances the fluids present in the body.
- The kidney bids off the hormones that help to maintain optimal blood pressure.
- It creates a form of vitamin D that enhances bone health and makes it strong.
- The kidney helps to maintain the development of red blood cells.
- Studies have revealed that the kidneys in your body religiously filter almost half a cup of blood every minute.
- This means it also controls the pH balance of your blood.
The normal functioning of your kidney is very important as the damage may lead to various diseases. Maintaining kidney health and focusing on a sustainable and healthy lifestyle is very important.
Understanding Kidney Disease: What You need to know
The diseases in your kidney can disrupt the body's capacity to filter the blood and eradicate the access water that is present in the blood. The normal functioning of the kidney helps to maintain sound blood pressure. Any disease in your kidney can majorly affect the production of red blood cells, metabolism, and Vitamin D which is crucial for bone health.
If your kidneys are damaged or affected by a disease, the waste and excess fluid can substantially build up in the body. This can lead to inflammation, swelling, and constant problems like lack of sleep, dizziness, ankle pain, nausea, weakness, and shortness of breath. Without proper treatment, the damage can build up and the kidneys will stop functioning after some time. Now that's a life-threatening deal that one has to cope with. Let's understand about Kidney Disease and the major factors that everyone should know.
Chronic kidney disease or CKD is a serious condition where the kidneys are unable to filter the excess fluid extracted from the blood to their full capacity. This problem gets worse if there is no proper solution or prior treatment for the same. If one does not pay attention to chronic kidney disease it may lead to kidney failure in the long run.
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As time passes by, it reaches the end stage which is known as End Stage Renal Disease ESRD. The last stage of chronic kidney disease is only treated through kidney transplant or dialysis. Two of the major causes of CKD include high blood pressure and uncontrollable diabetes.
Here are some other types of kidney diseases:
- Lupus nephritis
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Interstitial nephritis
- Glomerular disease
- Viral illness
- Pyelonephritis
What are kidney stones and how do they form?
One of the many diseases under the section of Kidney Disease includes kidney stones. Have you heard of kidney stones before? The condition is triggered due to various Lifestyle habits and leads to a serious disease at the end. Let us check out what are kidney stones and their formation.
Kidney stones are the solidified crystals or masses that turn into stones. It usually develops from various compounds like acids, salts, and minerals in the Kidney. While the condition is inevitable in the long run, sometimes it can become larger and larger. Kidney stones can be as small as a particle of sand, and as big as a golf ball. So, it all depends on the severity of the condition.
You might not even know that you have a kidney stone because it all depends on the size. Small kidney stones can pass while peeing through your urinary tract with no signs or signals. However, the large and big size kidney stones usually stay trapped In the ureter. This can further limit your peeing situation and reduce the ability of the body to eliminate the waste.
What causes Kidney stones to develop?
As mentioned above kidney stones are caused due to overproduction of various minerals and acids in the body. These minerals usually include sodium calcium uric acid and oxalate. When your body retains these particles in a large number, it eliminates them in the form of urine in most cases. However, once this situation becomes worse; the minerals start binding together forming hard stones and crystal-like shapes. Kidney stones usually form in a day and can last up to months and years.
Essential Oils for Kidney Care

The buzz around kidney stones and kidney diseases is immensely disturbing. However, what keeps you sane is the effectiveness of natural ingredients and remedies. Yes, you heard that right. A list of essential oils is here to provide immediate relief from kidney stones. Of course, they do not promise 100% guaranteed results but are quite effective in the long run. So here are some of the best essential oils for kidney care and kidney stones.
1. Oregano Essential oil for kidney care
You might have heard of oregano as a popular herb in Italian dishes. The same goes for its benefits for kidney health. Oregano Essential Oil extracted from the herb oregano has exceptional benefits for kidney stones and its health. Loaded with phenomenal antibiotic properties it is a great choice for people dealing with kidney infections. Studies have revealed that oregano Essential oil also tackles the condition of UTIs as it is rich in anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Lavender Essential oil
The holy grail lavender Essential oil is back and is ready to nurture your kidney with its benefits. Lavender Essential Oil for kidney health reduces the pain due to kidney stones. It also offers soothing and healing properties that balance your overall health and also keep you stress-free. In a nutshell, lavender oil is full of antioxidants, and anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that promote optimal metabolism. It keeps your kidney and liver healthy in check while enhancing robust kidney functions.
3. Peppermint Essential oil
Have you heard of the cooling properties of peppermint Essential oil? The power-packed formula of peppermint oil offers mind-boggling benefits for kidney health. Peppermint Essential Oil has cooling and detoxifying properties that balance your kidney health and reduce inflammation. It reduces the pain and stiffness due to kidney stones.
4. Clove Essential oil
If you have been in the era of Ayurvedic medicines you will adore the benefits of clove Essential oil. Clove oil extracted from the buds of the clove tree immensely helps to freshen up the air that passes through the surfaces. The pain-relieving properties of clove Essential oil reduce the damage to the kidneys and prevent various diseases.
5. Grapefruit Essential oil
Grapefruit oil is another ideal addition to your healthy routine to maintain the proper kidney functions. Grapefruit Essential Oil has anti-diuretic properties that help in kidney health and also eliminate excess fluid from the body. It not only flushes the toxins from the body but also disinfects it in the long run. The antibacterial properties tackle the bacterial infection in the urinary tract which can trigger renal infections as well.
6. Rosemary Essential oil
The herbal essential oils are always on the go and one such is Rosemary oil. Rosemary oil for kidney health by diminishing the protein content in the urine. Rosemary Essential Oil offers other properties that relieve pain due to kidney stones and other infections.
7. Lemongrass Essential oil
Lemongrass oil is one of the best essential oils for kidney stones as it manages the bladder. Studies have found that lemongrass Essential oil promotes lymphatic health and the system with its detoxification properties. It also supports your kidney health and serves as an ideal pain reliever. So if you are dealing with kidney stones, try lemongrass Essential oil in any form.
8. Fennel Essential oil
Another hyped Essential oil that truly lives up to the expectation is fennel oil. Fennel Essential Oil has detoxifying properties that nurture your kidney health and detoxify the blood liver and kidneys. It is also rich in pain-relieving properties that reduce harsh kidney stone pain and purify the blood.
Can essential oils provide immediate relief from kidney pain?
Essential oils are truly an exemplary addition that supports your kidney health and promotes healthy functioning. However, if we look at a broad perspective, they provide relief in the long run. If the condition is severe, it is important to consult a doctor for kidney pain or kidney stones. However, if you can bear it, then include essential oils in your routine as they will provide relief after regular usage.
How can you use essential oils to support kidney health?
Essential oils mentioned above can be used in different ways to support kidney health. You can choose the ones mentioned below as per your requirements.
1. Topical application
Topical application is the best way to use essential oils as it does not harm your skin or body in any way.
- Keeping that in mind do not forget to dilute essential oils with a powerful carrier oil.
- For this, you can use any carrier oil like extra virgin coconut oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil.
- Simply combine a few drops of Essential oil with a tablespoon of any carrier oil and massage it on the abdomen.
- You can also add the best essential oils for kidney health in a warm tub of water to get immediate relief.
2. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is another way to include essential oils in your routine to manage kidney stones and promote kidney health.
- This is by far one of the easiest ways to nurture your health inside out.
- Simply diffuse essential oils for kidney stones in a diffuser and inhale the Aroma.
Key factors to consider when choosing essential oils
When using essential oils for kidney health it is important to take care of certain factors. Here are the key factors that one should consider while choosing essential oils.
- First things first do not opt for low-quality essential oils.
- The cheap ones might attract you with their pricing but they are local and mixed with toxic chemicals and colors.
- Opt for 100% pure, high-quality, and organic essential oils.
- Moksha Essential's essential oils and carrier oils are lab-tested and therapeutic grade.
Are there any side effects of using essential oils for kidney health?
Essential oils do not have any side effects on kidney health if they are used properly with dilution. Anything in excess can lead to damage to the entire body. So make sure to dilute the essential oils before usage. Also, if your health is at stake, do not waste time, and consult a doctor asap.
Signs your kidney may not be functioning properly
A lot of signs and symptoms follow if your kidney isn't functioning well.
- You might feel uncertain pain any time of the day, especially around your abdomen and stomach area.
- The condition of kidney stones or other kidney diseases might affect you.
- Frequent dizziness and nauseous feeling.
- Your body might feel extremely weak and low on energy.
- Intense pain and stiffness follow if you have kidney stones.
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Intense pain and stiffness follow if you have kidney stones.
If you're diagnosed with chronic kidney disease it is quite difficult to accept a fact. You might observe certain symptoms in the course of the diseases which are quite discomforting and painful. It is important to get rid of these symptoms with the lifestyle changes mentioned below.
- Keep a check on the salt intake in your diet.
- Focus on a healthy and nutritious diet.
- Limit the intake of protein.
- Check your mineral intake regularly.
- Say no to smoking and drinking.
- Regular exercise with 5000 to 10000 steps.
- Manage your blood pressure levels.
- Keep a check on the diabetes in your body.
The kidney has some important functions to perform in your entire life. So, take care of it with utmost discipline. A few dietary changes along with a healthy lifestyle contribute to healthy kidneys.