Castor Oil for Beard growth I DIY Recipes

Styling and appearance hold great importance to everyone, regardless of gender. And face being the center player of this sport, needs to be at A-game always. Today, norms of beauty are changing, and men are taking a step into the vast world of skin care. And their most prized possession is the stubble on their face aka their beard. And we have just the right ingredient for all your grooming and growing needs. The Golden boy of Skincare world, Castor Oil, with innumerable benefits it can cater to all your requirements.

Organic Castor Oil is a thick consistency, fatty vegetable oil that is derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant, commonly known as castor seeds. These seeds, when pressed, release a pale-yellow coloured viscous liquid known as Castor Oil. Castor Oil has been acclaimed for not only alleviating allergies but also promoting hair growth.


Castor Oil properties beneficial for Beard

  1. Ricinoleic Acid (90%): This monounsaturated fatty acid is an active ingredient in the composition of Castor oil which makes the oil highly dense and enhances its absorbability which allows the oil to go deep into every hair strand and provide nourishments from the root to the top. Not only this but the oil also boosts thickening of the strands while being a staple for providing nourishment to the hair follicles.
  2. Oleic Acid (3%): It serves to prevent the skin from ageing by continuously replenishing its lost moisture. Since it aids in the prevention of water loss, it has shown to increase the permeability of the skin and thus enhance the effectiveness of topical treatments for beard growth.
  3. Stearic Acid (1%): It facilitates in retaining the natural color of the hair and preventing discoloration but hindering the growth of white hair. It also plays a key role in removing the excessive oil from one’s face.
  4. Linoleic acid (4%): It aids in fending of free radical agents which when left unregulated, can cause havoc in our bodies.


Benefits of Castor Oil for Beard

  • Nourishment of Hair Follicles: To make the beard hair healthy and enhance its softness, Castor Oil offers its assistance with a high concentration of Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids. It protects the skin from damages and heals dryness by acting as a nourishing lubricant.
  • Promotes Beard Growth: Essentially consisting of fatty acids such as that of Ricinoleic Acid and Oleic Acid, Castor oil is lauded for its magical properties of regenerating and growing nourished, strong and thick hair.
  • Protects Beard against Premature Greying: Possessing essential nutrients and vitamins that benefit hair growth, Castor Oil can aid in preserving the natural color of the beard over an extended period of time.
  • Fights Skin Infection: Crammed with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, Castor oil is considered an essential anti-fungal agent which fends off inhibition of pollutants.
  • Reduces Beard Dandruff and Itch: Castor Oil being a rich anti-fungal carrier oil, it is considered optimum in removing dandruff from the beard, thereby preventing excessive flaking and itching. The oil helps to combat irritation and inflammation which inevitably results in overcoming the symptoms of dandruff.
  • Thicker & Fuller Beard: Castor oil provdes much needed nourishment to hair follicles which is required to for thicker and fuller beard. It is a natural remedy which helps grow them longer without any side effects of synthetic gels.
  • Detangles Beard Hair & reduces Frizz: Castor oil is an excellent oil for detangling beard hair. It also helps bring shine to hair and smoothen hair shafts while imporving overall texture of beard.


What Does Beard Oil Do? | The Science Behind The Elixir – Wild Willies

How to apply Castor Oil for Beard growth? DIY Recipes for Beard Growth

Castor Oil is considered safe for all beard types and colors. While offering a huge array of benefits, Castor oil not only provides Beard Growth Recipes but also offers innumerable benefits when combined with other essential oils.


Recipe 1: Eucalyptus Essential oil and Castor Oil for Beard Growth

Eucalyptus Essential oil posseses strong anti-inflamamtory properties which when combined with castor oil provides smooth texture to facial hair. Eucalutpus oil is known to accelerate hair growth by stimulating hair follicles and gives your ebard a pleasant smell too.

1 tbsp Castor Oil



Step 1: Clean your beard and the skin underneath it. It is a good idea to use warm water in this process. Warm water will open up your pores and allow castor oil to penetrate deep into your pores. Make sure you pat and dab your beard dry with a towel before applying oil.

Step 2: Take a tbsp castor oil and mix 4 drops of Eucaluptus oil. Pour this mixture in your palm, gently rub your hands together to warm up the oil. Next, begin applying this blend on your beard. Start from the roots and work your way to the tips. Make sure you cover your entire beard. Use a comb to evenly spread the oil around.

Step 3: Use circular motions while applying oil. This massages your skin beneath the beard and increases its benefits.

Step 4: You can leave this oil overnight or for a couple hours at least, depending on your skin type. Once done, wash off the excess oil off your beard. Pat your face dry, preferably with a paper towel to avoid bacterial infection.


Recipe 2: Castor Oil with Jojoba Oil for Beard Growth

Jojoba oil is a non-greasy, nooisturising oil which provides essential nutrients required for thick beard growth. Jojoba oil when combioned with castor oil increases absorbing capacity of castor oil. Together they can do wonders to your beard.

3-5 drops Castor Oil



Step 1: Clean your beard and the skin underneath it. It is a good idea to use warm water in this process. Warm water will open up your pores and allow castor oil to penetrate deep into your pores. Make sure you pat and dab your beard dry with a towel before applying oil.

Step 2: Take a teaspoonful of jojoba oil and mix it with 3-5 drops of castor oil. Rub your palms together and start using the oil on your beard.

Step 3: Take your sweet time massaging the oil, as the more you massage, the more you enhance blood circulation. Use circular motions while applying oil. This massages your skin beneath the beard and increases the benefits of castor oil.

Step 4: After massaging, dip a towel in hot water, wring it, and put it on your face. Relax for 5-10 minutes, post which gently wipe out the oil from your beard.

Step 5: Pat your face dry with a clean towel and set your skin with toner. Repeat this process 1-2 times a week to maintain a healthy beard.


Recipe 3: Castor Oil with Almond Oil & Tea tree Oil for Beard Growth

Almond oil is rich in Magnesium and biotin, which are essential nutrients required for thick beard growth. Its fatty acid content enhances blood circultation which keeps scalp moisturized. Tea Tree Essential oil helps unclog pores and stimulates blood flow. These two ingreidients when combined with castor oil make up for an excellent beard growth oil which will help revive your beards appearance.


20 Drops of Castor Oil
1 tbsp of Almond Oil



Step 1: Clean your beard and the skin underneath it. It is a good idea to use warm water in this process. Warm water will open up your pores and allow castor oil to penetrate deep into your pores. Make sure you pat and dab your beard dry with a towel before applying oil.

Step 2: Mix 20 drops of castor oil with one tablespoon almond oil and a 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Mix the ingredients well. Apply this mixture on your beard and massage properly.

Step 3: After leaving it on for an hour, wash off your face with face wash.

Step 4: Repeat this process 1-2 times a week to condition your beard hair.


Is Castor oil Safe for Beard?

Castor oil provides one of the best natural solutions for beard growth. Since it is natural and free of any harmful chemicals, it provides an alternative to chemical products which can strip off essential protein from skin and hair. It coats stands of hair, keeps them from breaking and makes it easier to manage beard hair.


Things to keep in mind while using Castor Oil

  • Patch Test: It is always recommended to do a patch test before applying to larger areas in order to check any sensitivity to rash and irritations.
  • Certified: Always ensure that the Castor Oil should be organic, certified and free of any synthetic chemicals. The oil should not have any fragrances, alcohol or color enhancers.
  • Cold Pressed: The oil should be derived from cold pressing the castor beans as this process ensures the nutrients are retained and there are no additional solvents or harmful chemicals.



Drawing from the unmatched potential of Castor Oil, it aids and boosts the growth rate of our hair. It not only nourishes your follicles and enhances the health of your scalp but also possesses unique and rare properties expediting the growth factors and condition which facilitate hair growth.


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