Smooth Solutions: Best Essential Oils for Keratosis Pilaris Relief

Rough bumpy, and textured skin is not liked by anyone. Are you also tired of tackling those pesky and itchy patches on your skin? Is it making you feel uncomfortable in your skin? Well just like you, thousands of people these days suffer from keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris a common skin condition which is also referred to as chicken skin affects many people all around the world. It usually appears as bumpy and textured skin, especially on areas like thighs arms buttocks, and even cheeks. You might have noticed white bumps or reddish skin that appears on several parts of your body and is usually very rough to deal with. These are the symptoms of keratosis pilaris, my friends which is not a disease but appears to be unsightful and inflamed. Luckily the best essential oils for keratosis pilaris are here to provide immediate relief.
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There are several oils available that might claim to cure keratosis pilaris from its roots. But as certified experts, we recommend you give a shot to the best essential oils as they are a powerhouse of healing and therapeutic properties. Additionally, these essential oils also tackle skin disorders and cure them slowly and gradually. In the upcoming section, we will discover the benefits of these fragrant agents which can also help to enhance your overall skin texture and reveal smooth and itch-free skin. So let us explore the best of them.
What is Keratosis Pilaris?
As mentioned above the condition of keratosis pillars is also known as chicken skin which is a skin disorder that is usually deemed by the appearance of small bumps, redness, and rough skin texture.
Causes of Keratosis Pilaris
Many reasons contribute to the causes of keratosis pilaris.
● One of the most common ones is the excess production of keratin in the body. Protein content for the skin and hair is very necessary for the regeneration process. But once it occurs in an excessive amount it might lead to bumpy red
and textured skin.
● Heredity also plays of very important role in the generation of keratosis pilaris.
If you are an elder who suffered from severe skin disorders then, there are chances that you might suffer from the same.
● Another major reason behind the appearance of keratosis pellaris is the lack of nutritional content in your diet.
● Some people are also allergic and intolerant to glucose, dairy, and gluten. In these cases, you might experience the symptoms of keratosis pilaris. Best Essential Oils for Keratosis Pilaris. It's been a while since we discussed the natural solutions to cure keratosis pilaris. So here’s presenting the best essential oils and their benefits that help to cure the condition of keratosis pilaris.
1. Lavender Essential oil
Let's talk about the very versatile and strong Essential oil that is Lavender oil. Lavender Essential oil is an ideal choice to treat the condition of keratosis pilaris. Guess what, Essential oil already takes the crown of the luxurious oils that work for several skin disorders. Additionally, the potent Essential oil is loaded with antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that help to provide relief from pesky bumps, redness, and rashes on the skin. As per studies, lavender Essential oil provides immediate relief from inflammation and bumps on the inflamed area. One can simply combine a few drops of lavender Essential oil with carrier oils like sweet almond oil or coconut oil to get prominent healing benefits.
2. Tea tree Essential oil
Tea tree Essential oil serves as one of the most effective essential oils for keratosis pilaris. The richer Essential oil has beneficial antifungal antibacterial and therapeutic qualities which makes it one of the most trusted remedies for this skin condition. As per research, this Essential oil helps to reduce the symptoms of keratosis pilaris by eradicating the excess production of keratin in your skin and hair. Not only this but it also heals and soothes itchy, irritated, and inflamed. While talking about tea tree Essential oil, how can we miss out on its cleansing and purifying properties? Once you use tea tree Essential oil for keratosis pilaris, there is no going back as the Essential oil is versatile to purify your skin, clear the dead skin cells, and protect it from further damage.
3. Frankincense Essential oil

Did you know that frankincense Essential oil is widely recognized for its healing and pacifying qualities? It is exceptionally beneficial for aroma therapy practices and massages. This Essential oil also serves as a great ingredient to tackle keratosis pilaris. Yes, you heard it right. Frankincense oil nourishes the skin in the best possible manner and reveals a glowing and healthy complexion over time. Not only this but it is loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects which tackles the inflammation, rough patches, and redness linked with the severe skin condition. By including frankincense Essential oil in your daily skincare regimen you can visibly see the changes in your skin as it improves the texture and also enhances the cell regeneration process.
4. Peppermint Essential oil
How about using the minty and cooling peppermint Essential oil to eliminate keratosis pilaris? Peppermint Essential oil is considered one of the best essential oils for keratosis pilaris treatment as it reduces the inflammation on the skin and also cures the redness and bumpy texture as per studies peppermint Essential oil is packed with a key component known as menthol. It majorly creates a cooling effect on the skin and also provides relief from inflammation irritation and itchiness associated with keratosis pilaris.
5. Coconut oil
Not in Essential oil but one of the best oils for keratosis pilaris is coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids and other essential nutrients that initially help to treat keratosis pilaris. Coconut oil might not be a suitable option for skin conditions like pimples, acne, or hyperpigmentation. It works wonders to treat inflamed itchy and bumpy skin. One should not use coconut oil on the face. But if you are suffering from keratosis pilaris on any other part of your body then definitely consider using extra virgin coconut oil. The presence of loric acid helps to eliminate the keratin buildup. One can simply combine both coconut oil with an Essential oil of the choice to get prominent benefits.
6. Sweet Almond oil
Sweet almond oil has been on the list for quite a long time and its benefits are phenomenal. Studies have revealed that sweet almond oil for keratosis pilaris has beneficial effects on your skin it majorly serves as an ideal moisturizer and treats dry, rough, and textured skin. It also immensely hydrates the skin and eliminates the chances of dry patches. It penetrates deep into the skin and the vitamin E content serves as a natural anti-oxidant. Additionally, the antioxidant properties of sweet almond oil tackle inflammation, irritation, and itchiness and soothe the skin.
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Natural remedies always have a great impact on your skin if used in an ideal quantity. However, ample nutrition content, diet, and other skin care products also play a very important role in healing the condition of keratosis pilaris. At last, if you are looking for the incorporation of the best essential oils in your skincare routine then head to