Nature's Antibiotics: Essential Oils for Battling Bacterial Infections

Nature's Antibiotics: Essential Oils for Battling Bacterial Infections

You can now unlock the power of nature's special gift as an antibacterial agent in your routine. Surprising isn't it? Well everyone has been in a situation when infections in the skin and body take a toll on them. Not only are these bacterial infections harmful but they also spread from skin-to-skin contact and cause further damage. Thankfully the natural wonders extracted directly from the plants and the parts of plants are here to the rescue. Are you wondering what we are talking about here? Well, the best essential oils for bacterial infections not only keep germs at bay but also restrict the growth of bacteria in your skin and body. These essential oils provide impeccable benefits that not only nurture your physical health but also maintain your mental health. So let's dig into the power of essential oils for bacterial infections.

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Bacterial infections are quite common these days. While they are extremely painful some of them also spread from skin-to-skin contact and can feel uncomfortable. Getting rid of those bacterial infections is quite a task. Thankfully the best essential oils for bacterial skin infections do the job pretty well without causing any side effects. These essential oils are also great for bladder infections kidney infections liver infections skin infections sinus infections vaginal infections and ear infections. Overall the benefits of essential oils are not limited to any specific type of bacterial infection in your body. They immensely tackle the condition and also prevent further chances of infections.

Before considering the natural therapies to tackle these infections let us first check out the major symptoms and causes of infections.

Symptoms of Bacterial Infections

If you are suffering from bacterial infection you might notice these symptoms in your body however this usually varies from person to person and the germ that triggers the infection. Is bacterial infection in the body is different from others and has symptoms of its own. So make sure to consult the doctor if the infection is severe and the symptoms are different.

● Swelling around the skin area
● Constant tingling sensation
● Itchy skin
● Redness
● Fever
● Sneezing and coughing
● Diarrhoea
● Dizziness
● Joint and muscle pain

These are some of the major symptoms of bacterial infections and they are usually triggered from person-to-person infection or through the touch of animals or insects. One of the major reasons for bacterial infection in the body is due to eating contaminated food which leads to food poisoning and thereafter the chances of infection grow. To keep all of these issues away from your body it is essential to rely on a holistic approach for infections. Essential oils are an ideal choice for the same.

6 Best Essential Oils for Bacterial Infections

1. Lavender Essential oil

Lavender Essential oil is extracted from the buds of lavender trees and has a strong floral fragrance. Primarily known for its coming and relaxing properties the Essential oil also serves as an ideal ingredient in various conventional medicines and chest rubs. Lavender Essential oil is known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. You will be surprised to know that the Essential oil also contains anti-venomous properties which makes it an effective treatment for various bacterial infections in your skin and body. The relaxing and soothing effects of lavender Essential oil instantly tackle the damaged skin area in your body and heal it faster than ever. Additionally, it also has regenerative properties that rejuvenate the tissue cells in your body.

2. Peppermint Essential oil

Peppermint Essential oil is scientifically known as Mentha Piperita. The richest Essential oil has been known for years for its medicinal and antibacterial properties. In Indian households, it has been used to tackle various digestive issues including bloating gas acidity and constipation. Not only this but the potent Essential oil is believed to be beneficial for vaginal infections, sinus infections, and even bacterial skin infections. Studies have revealed that peppermint Essential oil carries antifungal anti-inflammatory and coming properties that make it highly potent against bacterial infections. Also, it reduces the chances of bee stings and other injuries in the body.

3. Tea tree Essential oil

One of the most versatile essential oils for bacterial skin infections is tea tree Essential oil. Loaded with impressive anti-inflammatory, antifungal antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties this Essential oil has been utilized for over years to treat a variety of skin disorders. Not only this but Indian houses also utilize tea tree Essential oil as a disinfectant to clean their floors. Essentially helps to kill the bacteria and fungi that trigger infections in your body and also restricts their appearance in the near future. You can simply diffuse tea tree Essential oil to nurture your ambiance with a herbal fragrance and to kill bacteria in air.

4. Lemongrass Essential oil

lemongrass essential oil

Did you know that lemongrass Essential oil is another herbal Essential oil that combats bacterial infections in the skin along with sinus infections? Lemongrass oil is a powerhouse of impeccable qualities that are effective to treat bacterial sinus infections and vaginal bacterial infections. The Essential oil also acts as a natural Air freshener which instantly relaxes the anxious mind and combats stress and anxiety. Using lemongrass Essential oil with a career oil serves as a perfect body massage oil in the long run. Alternatively, you can also diffuse it and inhale the invigorating and uplifting Aroma which promotes a sense of harmony and calmness in the environment.

5. Eucalyptus Essential oil

Let's talk about the one and only  eucalyptus Essential oil which is widely recognized because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Eucalyptus oil helps to fight against bacteria including MRSA, S. Aureus, E.coli, and other skin-related infections. Studies have revealed that eucalyptus Essential oil possesses potent antibacterial and anti-microbial qualities which makes it a natural antibiotic that treats a variety of skin disorders and health conditions. You can simply diffuse the Essential oil to inhale its calming fragrance and create a peaceful environment in your house. Alternatively one can also add eucalyptus Essential oil to bath salt during their self-care routine to promote emotional and mental well-being.

6. Oregano Essential oil

Are you wondering about essential oils for bacterial sinus infections and essential oils for vaginal bacterial infections? Oregano Essential oil is the one that you need to cure any type of infection in your body. Oregano oil for ear infections is raved by specialists as it brings in results that will blow your mind. Essential oil is rich in anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties that serve as an ideal choice to tackle a variety of skin and body infections.

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The nature's gift served by God to us is utilized in a number of ways these days. Also, this treasure trove brings in immense benefits that are truly impeccable. So, make sure to keep your choices right and consider the best essential oils for bacterial infections available only at